Book of the Day: General Principles of Law and International Due Process
Readers, I’ve been meaning for a while to call to your attention a new book by friend of Letters Blogatory Charles T. Kotuby Jr. and Luke A. Sobota: General Principles of Law and International Due Process: Principles and Norms Applicable in Transnational Disputes. Most of the book has to do with the substantive law—the requirement……
Kvetch of the Day: the FSIA and the Clerks
Okay, here is my kvetch of the day. I have a new FSIA case in a district that does not hear many FSIA cases. Under the FSIA, a foreign sovereign has sixty days, rather than twenty-one days, to answer a complaint. The clerk issued the ordinary twenty-one day summons, which was expected. I spoke with……
Case of the Day: Livnat v. Palestinian Authority
The case of the day is Livnat v. Palestinian Authority (D.C. Cir. 2017). In 2011, Ben-Yosef Livnat was killed, and Yitzhak and Natan Safra were wounded, in a terrorist attack at Joseph’s Tomb, a holy site in Nablus. The Livnat and Safra families sued the Palestinian Authority, alleging that the terrorists in the incident were……
Case of the Day: Cunningham v. Cunningham
I’m happy to welcome a new guest-poster and fellow blogger, Nathan Park of Kobre Kim, who brings us a short discussion of Cunningham v. Cunningham (M.D. Fla. 2017). Welcome, Nathan! Summary This case follows a proceeding in which plaintiff ex-wife sued the defendants ex-husband and his current wife, in order to secure return of the……
Case of the Day: Cerner Middle East v. Al-Dhaheri
The case of the day is Cerner Middle East Ltd. v. Al-Dhaheri (D. Mass. 2017). Cerner was a Cayman Islands company with its offices in Missouri. Ahmed Dhaheri was a UAE citizen living in Abu Dhabi. He was one of the two members of iCapital LLC, a UAE company. In 2008, iCapital made a contract……