Blog of the Day: the International Litigation Blog
I’m not sure why I didn’t know of it sooner, but I recently discovered the International Litigation Blog, and I want to recommend it to readers. It’s edited by Quentin Declève, a Brussels lawyer in private practice. Quentin has recently recruited a group of contributors who will be writing regularly from both sides of the……
Lago Agrio: The Remedy
This is the third post about the new arbitral award in the Chevron/Ecuador case. The first post addressed the tribunal’s finding that the Lago Agrio judgment was ghostwritten. The second addressed the issue of estoppel as it related to the question whether Chevron had an investment in Ecuador so as to implicate the bilateral investment……
The Hague Conference Turns 125
Letters Blogatory congratulates the Hague Conference on Private International Law on its 125th anniversary! As Letters Blogatory readers know, the Hague Conference organizes diplomatic meetings and meetings of experts that lead to the promulgation of private international law conventions such as the Service and Evidence Conventions and many others. The Conference then monitors the operation……
Case of the Day: G2A.com v. United States
The case of the day is G2A.com Sp. z.o.o. v. United States (D. Del. 2018). G2A was a Polish company. The Polish government requested judicial assistance from the US government under the US/Poland Tax Treaty in connection with a Polish tax investigation concerning G2A. Specifically, the Polish government sought evidence from the Corporation Trust Co.,……
Lago Agrio: Estoppel in the Arbitral Award
This is the second post on the new award in the Chevron/Ecuador arbitration. I think there will be a few more. I wrote this on Sunday, and it’s possible that there has been some relevant coverage from others since then, so I hope that events haven’t overtaken this post! One critique of a claim like……