Too Good Not To Post
I had to post this Manhattan lawyer ad—I’m not sure why I didn’t before. I love the firm’s motto: “Rapid Divorce, Easy Bankruptcy.” Perhaps the bar next door advertises “Hard Drink, Loose Living.”
New Draft Explanatory Report on the Judgments Convention
The HCCH has released a revised draft explanatory report on the Judgments Convention, prepared by Prof. Francisco Garcimartín and Prof. Geneviève Saumier. In the current political climate, it is very difficult to imagine the President, who likes to tear up treaties with abandon, signing let alone ratifying the new Convention when it is promulgated.
LA Lawyer Ads
Every once in a while I publish some lawyer advertisements I’ve photographed while traveling. Usually they come from Florida, which is the epicenter. But I’ve found them all over the place. Today, I bring you a couple from Los Angeles that I particularly liked.
Case of the Day: Dahman v. Embassy of Qatar
The case of the day is Dahman v. Embassy of Qatar (D.D.C. 2019). I wrote about the case last year. El-Sayed Dahman, an accountant, worked for the Embassy of Qatar. The embassy terminated his employment, perhaps as a matter of policy due to his age, and he brought an action for age discrimination. So far,……
In re BRF Securities Litigation
The case of the day is In re BRF S.A. Securities Litigation (S.D.N.Y. 2019). The lead plaintiff is the Birmingham Retirement and Relief System. It brought an action against BRF, a poultry exporter in Brazil, whose American depository receipts traded on the NYSE. The claim was that BRF and its executives bribed regulators and officials……