Category: Water Splash

  • Water Splash: The Denouement

    In Water Splash v. Menon, 137 S. Ct. 1504 (2017), the Supreme Court finally resolved the question of whether Article 10(a) of the Hague Service Convention permits service of process by postal channels (it does). That’s the end of the story for Letters Blogatory readers, but it wasn’t the end of the story for the……

  • Case of the Day: Water Splash v. Menon

    The case of the day is Water Splash v. Menon (S. Ct. 2017). The Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, put to rest the circuit split about whether Article 10(a) of the Hague Service Convention permits service of process by mail. Happily, the state and federal courts in the United States are all now on……

  • Water Splash: Reaction to the Oral Argument

    Here is the transcript of the oral argument in the Water Splash case. Nothing in the transcript makes me want to revise the view I gave earlier this week about the likely outcome of the case. It still seems likely to me that the case will come out in the petitioner’s favor, and my best……

  • Water Splash: My Prediction

    Okay, one last thought on the Water Splash case, which is being argued tomorrow. My skill at prediction has proved poor again this year during the NCAA tournament, but maybe I can do a little better in predicting the outcome of this case. After all, there are at most nine possible vote totals in the……

  • Water Splash v. Menon: The Last Post Before The Argument

    Just a few things to report on the Water Splash v. Menon case, which the Supreme Court will hear next week. First, here is the petitioner’s reply brief. I am not going to review the reply brief in detail.