Author: Ted Folkman

  • Looming Problem of the Day: In re Application of del Valle Ruiz

    Looming Problem of the Day: In re Application of del Valle Ruiz

    The Second Circuit heard oral argument on March 25 in In re Application of Antonio del Valle Ruiz. Del Valle Ruiz was an investor in Banco Popular Español who lost his investment when the EU and the Spanish government put the bank into receivership and sold it for € 1 to Banco Santander. Del Vale……

  • Ecuador Withdraws Asylum, Assange Arrested

    Officers of the Metropolitan Police were invited into the Ecuadoran embassy in London yesterday to arrest Julian Assange. I haven’t written much about Mr. Assange here, though I’ve made it clear for a long time that I have little sympathy for him. In some way Assange is like Trump. They both are epic narcissists and……

  • Case of the Day: Pablo Star v. Welsh Government

    The case of the day is Pablo Star, Ltd. v. Welsh Government (S.D.N.Y. 2019). The case involves Wales’s great twentieth-century poet, Dylan Thomas. I almost want to make this post about Thomas’s poems, because I think he is so terrific. Start reading this out loud: The force that through the green fuse drives the flower……

  • Case of the Day: Valambhia v. Tanzania

    The case of the day is Valambhia v. United Republic of Tanzania (D.D.C. 2019). In 1985, the Tanzanian Ministry of Defense contracted with Transport Equipment Ltd. for tanks, troop carriers, and other military equipment. Tanzania paid the amount due under the contract for a few years through the Bank of Tanzania. In 1989, Transport Equipment……

  • Lago Agrio: Supreme Court of Canada Denies Ecuadorans’ Application for Leave to Appeal

    Lago Agrio: Supreme Court of Canada Denies Ecuadorans’ Application for Leave to Appeal

    Yesterday the Supreme Court of Canada denied an application by the Lago Agrio plaintiffs for leave to appeal from the decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal in May 2018, which held that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs cannot reach the assets of Chevron’s indirect subsidiary in Canada to satisfy the judgment against Chevron they obtained……