Author: Ted Folkman

  • The Judgments Convention: Let’s Do This!

    The Judgments Convention: Let’s Do This!

    The Diplomatic Session of the Hague Conference on Private International Law will meet beginning tomorrow, and the delegates are expected to adopt the Convention on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil or commercial matters—the long-awaited Judgments Convention. The prospects for American ratification of the new Convention are uncertain. I think we all……

  • Article of the Day: “Are We Alone In The Universe?”

    If you’ve been reading Letters Blogatory for a while, you know that I am an enthusiast for astronomy and cosmology. I have often surprised people by saying that I hope we do not discover extraterrestrial life, especially simple extraterrestrial life. I get the same reaction I get when I tell people that it is illegal……

  • Case of the Day: Merlini v. Canada

    The case of the day is Merlini v. Canada (1st Cir. 2019). Merlini, an American citizen, was a clerical worker at the Consulate General of Canada in Boston. In 2009, while setting up coffee and tea for a meeting, she tripped and fell over a cord that a fellow worker had failed to secure to……

  • Case of the Day: Germaninvestments AG v. Allomet Corp.

    The case of the day is Germaninvestments AG v. Allomet Corp. (Del. Ch. 2019). Allomet is a Delaware corporation in the business of manufacturing metal powders for coating industrial products. Fobio Enterprises, Ltd., a Hong Kong company, owned the majority of Allomet’s shares. In 2016, it became the sole owner by purchasing shares from the……

  • Sing!


    I have a bunch of interesting cases to tell you about, but I wanted to take the chance today to tell you about a wonderful event yesterday here in Boston celebrating Jerusalem Day, which fell yesterday on our calendar. An Israeli group called Koolulam had an event for around 2,500 people at the House of……