Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: DNC v. Russian Federation

    The case of the day is Democratic National Committee v. Russian Federation (S.D.N.Y. 2019). I’ve written about the case several times before (for instance, these posts on the FSIA issues, this one on serving process on Wikileaks, and this one on serving process on Julian Assange while he was still holed up in the Ecuadoran……

  • Case of the Day: Khrapunov v. Prosyankin

    The case of the day is Khrapunov v. Prosyankin (9th Cir. 2019). Khrapunov was a defendant in an English lawsuit in which he was alleged to have misappropriated money from JSC BTA Bank, a Kazakh bank. He sought discovery from Google in the Northern District of California for use in the English case, and specifically……

  • Ingrid Wuerth on Personal Jurisdiction and the Fifth Amendment Due Process Rights of Foreign Sovereigns and State-Owned Enterprises

    Ingrid Wuerth, Professor of law at Vanderbilt Law School and friend of Letters Blogatory (you can follow her at @WuerthIngrid on Twitter), has an important new forthcoming paper on foreign states’ status as “persons” under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment. I’m very happy that she’s previewing her paper here at Letters Blogatory.……

  • Update on “Construction”

    Readers, just an update on the back end of the blog. Letters Blogatory has been migrated to its new server. The blog’s basic functionality is working—you should be able to read it—but not all of the features are working yet, so please don’t be surprised if problems crop up. I hope to have everything working……

  • The Judgments Convention Is Here

    The Judgments Convention has been adopted! This is the culmination of decades of work to fill one of the biggest gaps in private international law. The immediate prospects for American participation in the Convention are unclear. Indeed, in the days since adoption, only one state, Uruguay, has signed the Convention. But these things take time……