Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Servotronics v. Boeing

    The case of the day is Servotronics, Inc. v. The Boeing Co. (4th Cir. 2020). Servotronics was a supplier to Rolls Royce, which manufactured engines for use on Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner airplane. Following a 2016 testing accident, Rolls Royce settled Boeing’s claim for damages and then sought indemnification from Servotronics. The parties arbitrated their dispute……

  • COVID-19 and Arbitration Hearings

    Last week I held a prehearing conference with counsel in a small international arbitration being administered under AAA domestic rules by agreement of the parties. We set a date for the hearing. I proposed setting the hearing down as an audio-visual hearing, with an option to change it to an in-person hearing if conditions warrant.……

  • A Model To Follow: The SJC Order on Remote Administration of Oaths

    Our Supreme Judicial Court has issued an order on the remote administration of oaths at depositions. By way of background, in most US litigation, the officer who administers the oath at a deposition is usually a notary public. At least in Massachusetts, a notary cannot administer an oath remotely: the deponent must take the oath……

  • Conundrum of the Day: Palestinian Statehood

    Update: I am closing the comments to this post. My commenters cannot seem to decide whether I am an anti-Israeli bigot or an anti-Palestinian bigot. Mission accomplished? Anyway, the comments section seems to be taking a turn that isn’t appropriate for this blog. As you know, I am not a public international law expert. I……

  • Legal Ethics, International Judicial Assistance, and Coronavirus

    Legal Ethics, International Judicial Assistance, and Coronavirus

    Readers, I hope you each of you, wherever in the world you are, is staying safe and healthy and following the advice of your public health officials. We are all in this together, and we will get through it! Now if you know me, you know that I can find an international judicial assistance angle……