Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Johnson v. Settino

    The case of the day is Johnson v. Settino (Mass. 2024). I love this case. Johnson and Settino began dating in 2016, and in 2017 they were engaged to be married. Johnson gave Settino a $70,000 engagement ring. That is quite some ring. To make a long story short, Johnson broke off the engagement but……

  • More on Apostilles and Forged Documents

    I was surprised to learn, in the course of writing my recent post on an allegedly forged document that was certified with an apostille, that the uniform laws adopted in many US states (twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia, by my count) treat an apostille (and a final certification by a US consular officer)……

  • Service by NFT?

    Plaintiffs who say they are victims of internet frauds or schemes are often stymied at the beginning of their lawsuits because they don’t really know the defendant’s name or address. They may only have an email address or the address of a crypto wallet. Some lawyers have begun to try to turn the tables by……

  • The Virtues of George Washington

    Almost everyone who met or knew George Washington and wrote about it remarked on his character: his bravery, his modesty, his honesty, his wisdom, his prudence. As the great Boston lawyer and statesman Daniel Webster once said: America has furnished to the world the character of Washington! And if our American institutions had done nothing……

  • Congratulations to the LA Dodgers

    It came too late at night for the Letters Blogatory “morning edition,” but congratulations to the world champion LA Dodgers for the 4-1 victory over the New York Yankees in the World Series! I hope some of you European readers who haven’t yet gotten the baseball bug got a chance to see some of these……