Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Rockefeller v. Changzhou SinoType

    The case of the day is Rockefeller Technology Investments (Asia) VII v. Changzhou Sinotype Technology Co. (Cal. 2020). I wrote about the intermediate appellate decision in October 2018, and I briefly noted the new decision last week. Sinotype was a Chinese company. The parties were negotiating towards a contract to form a new company, and……

  • Case of the Day: Illumina Cambridge v. Complete Genomics

    The case of the day is Illumina Cambridge Ltd. v. Complete Genomics, Inc. (N.D. Cal. 2020). I last wrote about the case a couple of months ago. In most respects, it is a typical Section 1782 case, but I want to call two points to your attention.

  • Case Preview: Rockefeller v. Changzhou Sinotype

    The California Supreme Court has given its decision in Rockefeller Technology Investments (Asia) VII v. Changzhou Sinotype Technology Co. (Cal. 2020). I will have full coverage next week, but I wanted readers to have early access to this important decision. This is the case of the parties who agreed to “service” (I put the word……

  • Folkman LLC Is Up And Running!

    Some personal news for you, readers. I resigned from my last firm in early March. I stuck around for a few weeks to handle a jury trial that, of course, ended up not happening. My reasons for leaving were very good but also not for airing here. Back at the beginning of March, the plan……

  • Case of the Day: Servotronics v. Boeing

    The case of the day is Servotronics, Inc. v. The Boeing Co. (4th Cir. 2020). Servotronics was a supplier to Rolls Royce, which manufactured engines for use on Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner airplane. Following a 2016 testing accident, Rolls Royce settled Boeing’s claim for damages and then sought indemnification from Servotronics. The parties arbitrated their dispute……