Author: Ted Folkman

  • Consumer Arbitration: A Cautionary Tale

    Consumer Arbitration: A Cautionary Tale

    Readers, you may know that in addition to serving as an arbitrator in commercial cases, I hear consumer cases under the American Arbitration Association’s consumer arbitration rules. My own experience, which I hope is shared by the parties that appear before me in consumer cases, is that done right, a consumer arbitration can provide a……

  • Victoria Associates

    Readers, I am very happy to announce that I have joined Victoria Associates, a group of lawyers from around the world who handle international disputes, in court and in arbitration. The founders and driving forces behind Victoria Associates are my friends and now colleagues George Yates, Duarte Henriques, and Lee Boyd, three eminent practitioners in……

  • 1782 to Watch: In re Republic of the Gambia

    1782 to Watch: In re Republic of the Gambia

    You may be interested in a § 1782 application just filed in Washington by the Republic of the Gambia, which is prosecuting a case against Myanmar in the International Court of Justice concerning the situation of the Rohingya people. This brings to mind my last visit to the Hague in December, when I arrived early……

  • Case of the Day: Densys Ltd. v. 3Shape Trios A/S

    The case of the day is Densys Ltd. v. 3Shape Trios A/S (W.D. Tex. 2020). Densys was an Israeli company. It sued 3Share, a Danish company, for patent infringement. Densys served process by having the clerk send the documents to 3Share in Denmark by Fedex. 3Share moved to dismiss.

  • Case of the Day: Veroblue Farms v. Wulf

    The case of the day is Veroblue Farms USA, Inc. v. Wulf (N.D. Tex. 2020). The question in the case was whether service in the British Virgin Islands via a BVI solicitor was valid under the Hague Service Convention.