Author: Ted Folkman

  • Lago Agrio: Argentine Supreme Court Rejects LAP Appeal

    Lago Agrio: Argentine Supreme Court Rejects LAP Appeal

    The Argentine Supreme Court has rejected, apparently without a written decision, the appeal of the Lago Agrio plaintiffs from the lower courts’ refusal to recognize the Ecuadoran judgment. I am not aware of any other enforcement proceedings pending anywhere else in the world, so it could be that this really is the end of the……

  • Some Background On The Law Of Presidential Elections

    I thought my non-American readers might appreciate a (decidedly non-expert) brief outline of US law on presidential elections, in light of President Trump’s unprecedented suggestion that he might seek to delay the US presidential election—an idea so outlandish that when the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joseph Biden, suggested Trump might try it, provoked outraged claims of……

  • Editorial: The ABA Should Not Amend Model Rule 1.8(e)

    The American Bar Association is contemplating an amendment to Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.8(e), which today forbids lawyers to “provide financial assistance to a client in connection with pending or contemplated litigation,” with exceptions for advancing “court costs and expenses of litigation” and, in the case of indigent clients, paying “court costs and expenses……

  • Case of the Day: ShelterZoom Corp. v. Goroshevsky

    Case of the Day: ShelterZoom Corp. v. Goroshevsky

    The case of the day is Shelterzoom Corp. v. Goroshevsky (SDNY 2020). It’s the latest in the line of cases I love to hate, stemming ultimately from Gurung v. Malhotra: cases authorizing service of process by email in cases governed by the Hague Service Convention where the defendant is in a country that has objected……

  • Case of the Day: In re Gorsoan Ltd.

    The case of the day is In re Gorsoan Ltd. (SDNY 2020). Gorsoan, a Cyprus company, and Gazprombank, the Russian bank, sued dozens of defendants, including Janna Bullock, in Cyprus, alleging a $25 million fraud. The Cyprus court issued a worldwide asset freeze injunction and requiring the defendants, including Bullock, to disclose their assets. Bullock……