Author: Ted Folkman

  • Scenes from America

    Here’s a small slice of life from America in late August 2020.

  • Case of the Day: EGI-VSR v. Coderch

    The case of the day is EGI-VSR, LLC v. Coderch (11th Cir. 2020). EGI-VSR had a $28 million arbitral award against Juan Carlos Celestino Coderch Mitjans, who lived in Brazil. EGI-VSR sought confirmation in Miami, and the court confirmed the award. On appeal, Coderch argued that he had not properly been served with process in……

  • Cert. Watch: Changzhou SinoType v. Rockefeller

    Readers, here is the petition for cert. in Changzhou Sinotype Technology Co. v. Rockefeller Investments (Asia) VII, a case from the California Supreme Court that you’ll remember from this spring. Here are the facts in a nutshell. A US company wins a big arbitral award against a Chinese company in a US-based arbitration. Rather than……

  • Case of the Day: Facebook v. 9 Xiu Network

    Case of the Day: Facebook v. 9 Xiu Network

    The case of the day is Facebook, Inc. v. 9 Xiu Network (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd. (N.D. Cal. 2019). The image I’ve chosen to go with the post is the virtual bouquet I am sending to Magistrate Judge Alex G. Tse, who joins the small number of judges across the country who have begun to……

  • Lago Agrio: Donziger Disbarred

    Steven Donziger’s career as a lawyer has come to an end. A New York court yesterday disbarred him. This result will not surprise longtime Letters Blogatory readers. Although the referee who conducted the hearing was clearly sympathetic to Donziger, the law was clear: the facts that Judge Kaplan found had preclusive effect and could not……