Author: Ted Folkman

  • Ralph Gants, 1954-2020

    Ralph Gants, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, died yesterday following a brief illness. After a career in public and private practice, he was appointed to the Superior Court in the late 1990s by Governor Weld, and then appointed to the SJC, first as associate justice and later as chief justice,……

  • Some Changes Coming To Letters Blogatory

    Readers, heads up! You can expect to see some changes at Letters Blogatory in the near future. Since the blog really exists for you, I thought I’d give you a short explanation.

  • Case of the Day: TIG Insurance v. Argentina

    The case of the day is TIG Insurance Co. v. Republic of Argentina (D.C. Cir. 2020). I last wrote about the case a year ago. Here was my description of the case from the prior post: TIG had an arbitral award against Argentina and a default judgment confirming the award that, with interest and penalties,……

  • Case of the Day: Anova v. Hong King Group

    Case of the Day: Anova v. Hong King Group

    The case of the day is Anova Applied Electronics, Inc. v. Hong King Group, Ltd., 334 F.R.D. 465 (D. Mass. 2020). Anova, a kitchen appliance manufacturer, sued Hong King, a Chinese firm, and other Chinese companies for trademark and trade dress infringement. It sought leave to serve process by email under FRCP 4(f)(3).

  • A Poem, by Donald Trump

    A Poem, by Donald Trump

    If you began your childhood on third base, Like me, and never had to work to bring wealth in, And watched the fools and suckers take your place, While you stayed home and lived a life of sin, My friend, you’d know you’re better than the rest, Plebeians whose folks wait at home with worry……