Author: Ted Folkman

  • Let the Sunshine In

    Today’s I am unshakably upbeat and optimistic. I do not mind being corny today. America pulled off what seemed for a time like an impossible task—it sent its own tinpot demagogue packing in a free and fair democratic election, and when the demagogue and his toadies tried to overturn the will of the people, Democrats……

  • Tenth Anniversary Post: Melissa Kucinski on the Future of IJA—Family Law Edition

    Tenth Anniversary Post: Melissa Kucinski on the Future of IJA—Family Law Edition

    I am truly honored to write this guest blog post celebrating the anniversary of Letters Blogatory. Ted asked that I provide my thoughts on the future of international judicial assistance in the field of family law. I struggled writing this blog post, because nearly every family lawyer would immediately ask, “what is international judicial assistance?”……

  • Tenth Anniversary Post: Steven Loble on the Future of IJA

    I would like to thank Ted for the opportunity to contribute to Letters Blogatory. I admire Ted for his hard work, dedication, and discipline in producing quality and topical writings. It is not easy to write so regularly. International judicial assistance is a huge topic, so I have chosen to deal with just one aspect……

  • Tenth Anniversary Post: Peter Bert on the Future of IJA

    Ted’s invitation to share some thoughts about the future of international judicial assistance (IJA) comes at a time when I experience, for the first time, a step backwards in that field: The Brexit Deal between the European Union and the United Kingdom, which in my view is a “sectoral hard Brexit” for civil judicial assistance.……

  • Tenth Anniversary Post: Aaron Lukken on the Future of IJA

    When Ted asked me to offer thoughts on developments in IJA in the coming decade, it took no brainstorming to come up with a topic. I drew from a panel at the Peace Palace in The Hague some 137 years ago (before a microbe obliterated travel), which Ted moderated. The topic of the conference: innovation……