Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Minor v. Juarez

    The case of the day is Minor v. Juarez (D.N.M. 2021). David Minor sued Luis Alberto Ramirez Juarez for negligence on account of an automobile accident in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. Minor sued in the state court in El Paso Texas. Ramirez, who resided in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, removed the case to the US District Court for……

  • More Servotronics Action

    Back in March 2020, the Fourth Circuit issued a decision in the Servotronics case, holding that courts had the power, under § 1782, to order discovery in aid of a private international arbitration outside the United States. Continue Reading More Servotronics Action

  • Event Announcement: Challenges for the International Criminal Court

    Event Announcement: Challenges for the International Criminal Court

    Readers, the International Law Section of the Boston Bar Association is proud to be sponsoring a webinar on May 6, 2021 at 12:00 EDT (UTC -4): “Challenges for the International Criminal Court.” Continue Reading Event Announcement: Challenges for the International Criminal Court

  • Book of the Day: Arbitration of International Intellectual Property Disputes

    Book of the Day: Arbitration of International Intellectual Property Disputes

    Readers, check out the second edition of Arbitration of International Intellectual Property Disputes, just out from JURIS. My colleague David Evans and I have a chapter on choice of law and conflict of laws. Continue Reading Book of the Day: Arbitration of International Intellectual Property Disputes

  • Case of the Day: Gorsoan v. Bullock

    The case of the day is Gorsoan Ltd. v. Bullock (Fla. Cir. Ct. 2020). I came across the case on the website of friend of the blog George Benaur. I wrote about a related § 1782 proceeding in July 2020. The question in the case was whether the Florida courts should recognize and enforce a Mareva injunction, i.e., an asset-freeze injunction, entered……