Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Stone v. Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals

    The Case of the Day is Stone v. Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (S.D.N.Y. 2011). Paula Palladino was prescribed generic ciprofloxacin for treatment of an infection. Shortly thereafter, she went to the hospital with a fever and a rash. She was eventually diagnosed with Stevens Johnson Syndrome, a rare skin condition, and ultimately died. Her heirs sued……

  • State of the Blog

    There’s no substantive post for today. Instead, I have one of my occasional meta-posts about the State of the Blog. A few items of interest: 1. Popular Cases. It’s not surprising that the more recent cases of the day tend to attract more readers, since folks who read the blog regularly likely read the posts……

  • Case of the Day: In re Application of High Point SARL

    In the case of the day, In re Application of High Point SARL (N.D. Ill. 2011), two of our main concerns here at Letters Blogatory, the judicial assistance statute and service of process, collide. High Point, a Luxembourg company, had sued KPN B.V. for infringement of a European patent in the District Court for the……

  • Case of the Day: In re Grand Jury Subpoena

    The Case of the Day is In re Grand Jury Subpoena (4th Cir. 2011). Because the case involves a grand jury proceeding, the opinion does not disclose the identities of the relevant parties. It seems likely to me, based on a press release from the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, that “Company……

  • Case of the Day: Day v. Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Ltd.

    Judge Lamberth, describing the allegations in the Case of the Day, Day v. Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Ltd. (D.D.C. 2011), wrote that they detailed “a sordid affair straight out of a Hollywood script—or at least a second-rate mystery novel.” The plaintiff was Tonya Kay Day. According to Day’s complaint, several years ago her mother, Lavera Jean Foelgner, told……