Author: Ted Folkman

  • Letters Blogatory Editorial Policy Update

    Like any blogger who covers developments in the case law, I sometimes cover cases involving persons or companies accused of unsavory things. Yesterday I received a comment from a reader who said that he was the victim of one of the alleged fraudsters I’ve written about. The comment didn’t have to do with the substance……

  • Case of the Day: v. Mina Mar Group

    Mina Mar Group, the Canadian firm featured on March 22, is back in the Letters Blogatory news today. The last time we discussed Mina Mar, it was in the context of Belmont Partners, LLC v. Mina Mar Group, Inc., a case where Mina Mar tried, both in Canada and in the US, to escape from……

  • Case of the Day: Government of Ghana v. ProEnergy Services, LLC

    The case of the day is Government of Ghana v. ProEnergy Services, LLC (W.D. Mo. 2011). Ghana had entered into a contract with Balkan Energy Limited for the refurbishment of a power plant in Ghana. ProEnergy Services, LLC was the prime subcontractor. Balkan claimed that Ghana had breached the contract by failing to provide a……

  • Case of the Day: Opella v. Rullan

    The case of the day is Opella v. Rullan (S.D. Fla. 2011). Ray Opella sued Mauricio Alberto Rullan Diaz and Tecnologias Asociadas Internationales, S.A. de C.V., for fraud, conversion, unjust enrichment, etc. Opella served both Rullan and TAI by personal service in Mexico, performed by a Mexican notary public. After service of process, Rullan’s lawyer,……

  • Open Government Update

    For those of you who are interested in my attempts to obtain copies of the testimony given at a recent Massachusetts legislative committee hearing on the Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgment Recognition Act, here are the latest developments: I corresponded with the House chairman of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary, Rep. Eugene O’Flaherty (D-Chelsea), about……