Author: Ted Folkman

  • The Belfast Project: Who Promised Confidentiality?

    The Boston College Subpoena blog has posted the transcript of a radio interview with Anthony McIntyre, one of the forces behind Project Belfast and one of the unsuccessful intervenors in the proceedings here in Boston aimed at quashing the government’s subpoena to Boston College. The interview addresses one of the questions I’ve long had about……

  • Dueling Translations

    Back in September, I called the Chevron/Ecuador litigation a war of attrition. Yesterday’s and today’s filings illustrate that point beautifully. The parties actually submitted dueling certified translations of the Ecuadoran appellate court’s decision (Chevron’s is here, the Lago Agrio plainitffs’ is here). Really? Dueling translations? I know that Randy Mastro and James Tyrrell are top……

  • Judge Kaplan Denies Chevron’s Motion or an Attachment

    In a little bit of an anticlimax after yesterday’s dramatic developments, there was some more good news for the Lago Agrio plaintiffs today. Judge Kaplan denied Chevron’s motion for an attachment. Recall that Chevron had sued Donziger (the Lago Agrio plaintiff’s US lawyer) and several of the Lago Agrio plaintiffs themselves for RICO violations and……

  • Case of the Day: Metso Minerals Industries v. Johnson Crushers International

    The case of the day is Metso Minerals Industries, Inc. v. Johnson Crushers International, Inc. (E.D. Wis. 2011). Metso Minerals (France) S.A. brought an action against Johnson Crushers seeking a declaration that it did not infringe Johnson’s patent for an adjustment mechanism for a rock crusher. Johnson counterclaimed for infringement. Metso refused to produce documents……

  • Chevron Seeks Relief in the Second Circuit

    Here’s an update on the quickly-moving Lago Agrio case, following on yesterday’s decision by the Ecuadoran appellate court affirming the multi-billion dollar judgment against Chevron. Here is a copy of the Ecuadoran judgment, in Spanish, with portions translated. Chevron has filed a motion with the Second Circuit asking the court to grant relief from its……