Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Lantheus Medical Imaging v. Zurich American Insurance Co.

    Let me start by saying that today’s case of the day is highly recommended reading. Way to go, Magistrate Judge Cott! Back in August 2011, we looked at an Ontario case, Lantheus Medical Imaging v. Atomic Energy of Canada, which involved a US letter rogatory to take testimony and documents from Atomic Energy of Canada,……

  • Reminder: Letters Blogatory Liveblog

    For those of you who are following the Belfast Project case, this is just a reminder that at 2 p.m. Eastern time (that’s 7 p.m. for those of you in Ireland) on January 24, Judge Young will be holding a hearing on the government’s motion to dismiss the complaint Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre have……

  • Breaking News: Second Circuit Denies Chevron’s Motion For Relief

    Today the Second Circuit denied Chevron’s motion for relief in a brief order, without opinion. In my post of January 5, 2011, I gave some substantive and procedural reasons for thinking that the motion should be denied. On the procedural side, there wasn’t a clear hook for Chevron to seek what was, in effect, reconsideration……

  • Case of the Day: Republic of Argentina v. BG Group plc

    The case of the day, Republic of Argentina v. BG Group plc (D.C. Cir. 2012), is related to one of the very first Letters Blogatory cases of the day. The case arises out of the Argentine financial crisis in 2001, when Argentina enacted emergency laws to unpeg the peso from the dollar, to convert dollar-based……

  • Correction to Chevron/Ecuador Post

    My last post on the Chevron/Ecuador case incorrectly stated that it was Chevron that had sought clarification of the Ecuadoran appellate court’s ruling. In fact, it was the plaintiffs who sought clarification. Apologies for the error! I’ve corrected the original post.