Case of the Day: Momentous.ca v. Canadian American Ass’n of Professional Baseball
The case of the day is Momentous.ca v. Canadian American Association of Professional Baseball, Ltd., 2012 SCC 9. HT to Stephen Pitel and Antonin Pribetic for bringing the case to light. The decision doesn’t explain the underlying dispute, but Ajit Singh has a good summary. The dispute arose out of a failed attempt to bring……
Doug Cassel on the Lago Agrio Case
Doug Cassel, professor of law at Notre Dame Law School and one of the authors of an amicus brief in favor of Chevron in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights proceedings, has an important post up at Opinio Juris on the Lago Agrio case. He lays out some of the reasons why he concluded, after……
Dirty Tricks In The Lago Agrio Case?
In 2005, the lawyers for the Lago Agrio plaintiffs sought precautionary measures from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on account of what the IACHR described as “acts of harassment and threats” and an office break-in “due to their professional work on one high-profile case,” the Lago Agrio case. The IACHR requested precautionary measures: Given……
Case of the Day: Delizia Ltd. v. Eritrea
The case of the day, Delizia Ltd. v. Eritrea (S.D.N.Y. 2012), is a short, fun decision. Delizia had a contract to sell $12 million dollars of equipment to the Eritrean Ministry of Defense. The Ministry stopped making payments. The contract had an agreement to arbitrate, so Delizia commenced an arbitration in Sweden. Eritrea did not……
Judge Kaplan Takes Chevron’s Motion
for a TROUnder Advisement[UPDATE: I’ve changed the title of the post to reflect uncertainty about what exactly the judge did. See Max Kennerly’s comment to the post]. I am told that at this morning’s hearing on Chevron’s motion for a temporary restraining order, Judge Kaplan took the matter under advisement and did not make a decision from the……