Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Subway International v. Bletas

    The case of the day is Subway International B.V. v. Bletas (D. Conn. 2012). Subway, a Netherlands LLC, is a franchisor of Subway sandwich shops. It entered into a franchise agreement with Panayota and John Bletas that gave the Bletases the right to operate a Subway shop in Greece in return for royalties and advertising……

  • Health Science Distributors Co. v. Usher-Sparks Revisited

    Today we revisit the case of the day from October 28, 2011, Health Science Distributors Co. v. Usher-Sparks (M.D. Fla. 2012). Last time around, the judge held that Health Science had not shown that it had made adequate service of process on the individual defendants, Robert Usher-Sparks and Trevor Taylor, on on the institutional defendants,……

  • Schumer on the Belfast Project

    A hat-tip to Chris Bray, for bringing to light Senator Charles E. Schumer’s letter to the Attorney General and the Secretary of State expressing concern about the government’s subpoenas in the Belfast Project case. Here are two key excerpts from the letter: During the ratification of this treaty we in the United States Senate made……

  • Update on the Patton Boggs Case

    On February 28, 2012, I commented on the new case filed by Patton Boggs against Chevron. The claim was for injury arising out of the erroneous injunction Judge Kaplan had issued enjoining the Lago Agrio plaintiffs and their lawyers—including Patton Boggs—from seeking to enforce the Ecuadoran judgment anywhere in the world. One of the claims……

  • More on the Doug Cassel Post

    On March 17 I commented on Doug Cassel’s post at Opinio Juris. Professor Cassel is one of the authors of an amicus brief Chevron filed with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. While I frequently get reactions to my Lago Agrio posts from partisans on one side or the other, this was the first time……