Author: Ted Folkman

  • Breaking: BC Appeals In The Belfast Project Case

    As first reported by Chris Bray, Boston College has filed a notice of appeal in the Belfast Project Case. The appeal is from Judge Young’s order of January 20, the order on the second subpoena. So it seems ever clearer that there will be no appeal from Judge Young’s first order, the order compelling the……

  • Belfast Project: Enter the ACLU

    Moloney & McIntyre filed their brief with the First Circuit on Friday. Because the brief does not really break any new ground, I don’t review it in detail other than to repeat my view that whatever the merits of the First Amendment issues raised in the case, Moloney & McIntyre lack standing, and the appeal……

  • Case of the Day: H-D Michigan LLC v. Hellenic Duty Free Shops S.A.

    We return today to the case of the day from September 27, 2011, H-D Michigan, LLC v. Hellenic Duty Free Shops S.A. The claim was for breach of a trademark licensing agreement, and the issue back in September was whether the court could extend a temporary restraining order beyond the normally applicable time limit until……

  • Two Wins For Chevron

    After some significant defeats, Chevron had a significant victory this week. The arbitral tribunal hearing Chevron’s claim against Ecuador under the US/Ecuador bilateral investment treaty again ordered Ecuador to “take all measures necessary to suspend or cause to be suspended the enforcement and recognition within and without Ecuador of the judgments” the Ecuadoran courts issued……

  • Breaking: Arbitral Panel Issues New Order In Favor Of Chevron

    [UPDATE: I have a full post up on this here]. Published reports say that the tribunal considering Chevron’s claims against Ecuador under the US/Ecuador bilateral investment treaty has issued a new order in favor of Chevron. It’s not precisely clear what relief has been ordered, or how the order differs from the earlier interim award.……