Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Sikhs for Justice v. Nath

    The case of the day is Sikhs for Justice v. Nath (S.D.N.Y. 2012). In 1984, two of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s Sikh bodyguards assassinated her in New Delhi, setting off a wave of anti-Sikh violence. At the time, Kamal Nath was a member of the Indian parliament. Shortly after the assassination, Nath traveled to……

  • Case of the Day: Semtek International v. Information Satellite Systems

    The case of the day is Semtek Interntional, Inc. v. Information Satellite Systems (D. Mass. 2012). Semtek had a contract with Merkuriy Ltd., a Russian company in the business of commercializing satellite capacity. Semtek sued Merkuriy and Pyotr Sivirin, Merkuriy’s executive director, claiming that Merkuriy and Sirivin breached the contract, which gave Semtek the right……

  • Moloney & McIntyre File Their Reply Brief

    Yesterday Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre filed their reply brief in their appeal of Judge Young’s denial of their motion for leave to intervene and his dismissal of their claims against Attorney General Holder. Much of the brief is taken up with the intervention issue, which is puzzling to me. If I were one of……

  • Case of the Day: First Investment Corp. of the Marshall Islands v. Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding

    The case of the day is First Investment Corp. of the Marshall Islands v. Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding, Ltd. of the People’s Republic of China (E.D. La. 2012). The case involved a shipbuilding contract. The Fujian Group, a Chinese state-owned enterprise, and Mawei, a private corporation that was majority-owned by Fujian, refused to honor a contractual……

  • Case of the Day: v. Canadian American Ass’n of Professional Baseball

    The case of the day is v. Canadian American Association of Professional Baseball, Ltd., 2012 SCC 9. HT to Stephen Pitel and Antonin Pribetic for bringing the case to light. The decision doesn’t explain the underlying dispute, but Ajit Singh has a good summary. The dispute arose out of a failed attempt to bring……