Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Sunflower Bank v. H.P. Construction Ltd.

    The case of the day is Sunflower Bank, N.A. v. H.P. Construction Ltd. (D. Kan. 2012). The claim was for conversion of construction equipment. HP defaulted, and Sunflower moved for entry of default judgment. The judge wanted to satisfy himself on proper service of process. He wrote that the return of service showed that the……

  • Case of the Day: Facebook v. Banana Ads

    No, today’s case of the day does not involve the Winklevi. Instead, it involves one of the most annoying bad practices on the Internet: typosquatting. I fall victim to it almost every day when I point my browser at or Some kinds of typosquatting are worse than others. Some involve pointless ads that……

  • Update on Patton Boggs v. Chevron

    As expected, Judge Salas has ruled that Patton Boggs’s motion for an injunction enjoining Chevron’s attempt to obtain exoneration of its bond in Judge Kaplan’s court is moot in light of Judge Kaplan’s order exonerating the bond.

  • Split Decisions in the Argentine Sovereign Debt Cases

    There are two new decisions to report in the Argentine sovereign debt cases. In the first, NML Capital, Ltd. v. Republic of Argentina (2d Cir. 2012), the Second Circuit rejected Argentina’s attempt to dissolve an attachment of a government agency’s bank account on FSIA grounds. In the second, Aurelius Capital Partners v. Republic of Argentina……

  • Case of the Day: S&S Machinery Corp. v. Wuhan Heavy Duty Machine Tool Group

    The case of the day is S&S Machinery Corp. v. Wuhan Heavy Duty Machine Tool Group Co. (E.D.N.Y. 2012). S&S was a machine tools merchant in New York. Under a 1999 agreement, it was the exclusive agent in North and South America for Wuhan, one of China’s largest machine tool manufacturers. The agreement gave S&S……