Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Gushlak v. Gushlak

    The case of the day is Gushlak v. Gushlak (2d Cir. 2012). The case makes an important point about the procedure in § 1782 cases, and so as not to bury the lede, I’ll just state the point here: It is proper to apply ex parte for judicial assistance. The target of the discovery can……

  • The First Circuit’s Belfast Project Decision: Analysis

    The First Circuit’s Belfast Project Decision: Analysis

    The First Circuit has rejected the appeal of Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre against an order requiring BC to turn over to the government oral histories taken from participants in the Troubles. This post gives some of the background and summarizes the main points of the decision. Some background Because it’s been a while since……

  • BREAKING: First Circuit Rejects Moloney & McIntyre’s Challenges in the Belfast Project Case

    This just in: the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has affirmed the District Court’s decisions in the Belfast Project case. Barring a request for rehearing or en banc review or a petition to the Supreme Court, this clears the way for the government to enforce the subpoenas issued in the case and to……

  • A New Front in the Belfast Project Case

    H/T to Chris Bray for bringing to light Anthony McIntyre’s application for relief to the High Court in Belfast in the Belfast Project case. I haven’t written about the case in a while—those who want the background can refer to my archive of Belfast Project posts. The application seeks judicial review of the UK authorities’……

  • Wanted: Letters Blogatory Correspondents

    Wanted: Letters Blogatory Correspondents

    [box]UPDATE: So far so good—as you can see, I have already had volunteers for coverage of Brazil, Canada, France, and Germany. Any other volunteers? Please let me know![/box] You may have noticed that I have recently published a few guest posts from foreign lawyers and law students covering international judicial assistance developments in their countries.……