Author: Ted Folkman

  • Belfast Project: The (Political) Knives Come Out

    On Friday morning I am publishing a post by Danny Morrison, former national director of publicity for Sinn Féin, at his request, in which he takes to task Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre, the two protagonists in the Belfast Project case. I have offered Moloney and McIntyre a right of response, and if they take……

  • Case of the Day: Two Moms And A Toy v. International Playthings

    The case of the day is Two Moms And A Toy v. International Playthings (D. Colo. 2012). The claim was for infringement of US Patent 6,782,567, which describes a “fountain water toy utilizing a battery-powered pump.” One of the defendants was Golos Weisman Design, Ltd., an Israeli partnership. According to the return of service, a……

  • Belfast Project: High Court Rejects McIntyre’s Application for Judicial Review

    Several news sites, including the UTV, are reporting that a judge of the Belfast High Court has rejected Anthony McIntyre’s application for judicial review of the UK authorities’ decision to seek the Belfast Project interview materials under the mutual legal assistance treaty between the United States and the United Kingdom. A written decision is not……

  • Case of the Day: Estate of Toland v. Toland

    The case of the day is Estate of Toland v. Toland (Wash. Ct. App. 2012). Paul Toland, a US naval officer, married Estuko Toland, a Japanese woman, while stationed in Japan. Estuko sought and received a divorce while the couple was living in Japan, and the divorce decree included a division of property, an order……

  • The Belfast Project Case on EJIL: Talk!

    For the most part the Belfast Project case has gotten little attention in the international law blogosphere (aside from here at Letters Blogatory, of course). Now Joanna Harrington has published an interesting look at the case at EJIL that is well worth a read for its very clear summary of some of the main issues.……