Author: Ted Folkman

  • Comments Are Now Enabled

    Readers, I have been grappling with a dramatic increase in the amount of comment spam I’ve been getting. I tried a new solution, but people have reported to me that it’s preventing them from posting comments. So I have disabled it for now and apologize to anyone who tried to comment but found the comment……

  • Belfast Project: Moloney & McIntyre Seek A Rehearing

    As expected, Ed Moloney and Anthony McIntyre have sought a rehearing in the Belfast Project Case. They seek both a rehearing by the panel and a rehearing en banc. First, some procedural stuff. Under FRAP 40(a)(3), no response to a petition for a panel hearing is permitted without a request from the court, though the……

  • Lago Agrio: Donziger Strikes Back

    There’s a major development in the Lago Agrio case to report today. Steven Donziger has moved for leave to amend his answer to assert counterclaims against Chevron. Until now, Chevron has been almost entirely on the offensive in the US courts, making serious allegations of misconduct in Ecuador against Donziger and others, and in my……

  • The Motions to Dismiss in Yaiguaje

    As promised, I have dragooned Letters Blogatory’s Canadian correspondent, Antonin Pribetić, into posting a quick comment on the recent developments in the Yaiguaje case. Thanks, Antonin! Stay tuned tomorrow for a first look at Donziger’s new proposed counterclaims in the RICO case. The affidavits filed by the Chevron defendants each address the issues of inter-corporate……

  • Editorial: Some Common Sense On The Belfast Project

    I want to give my own views on some issues addressed in recent editorials on the Belfast Project case. In my view, many of the points out there in the blogosphere are wrong or at least arguably wrong, and I think it is worthwhile to put another view out there to let people interested in……