Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Ambar v. Germany

    The case of the day is Ambar v. Federal Republic of Germany (D.D.C. 2022). The story involves a look at Germany’s laws stripping Jews of their citizenship, their nationality, and their property, and Germany’s post-war efforts to make amends. Salo Feuerwerk was a Viennese Jew who owned a building in Berlin. In 1935, Germany adopted……

  • Case of the Day: Process & Industrial Developments v. Nigeria

    The DC Circuit affirms the denial of Nigeria’s motion to dismiss in the Process & Industrial Developments case. Continue Reading Case of the Day: Process & Industrial Developments v. Nigeria

  • Case of the Day: In re Gonzalez

    The Eleventh Circuit dismisses an appeal from a magistrate judge’s decision on a motion to compel on finality grounds. Continue Reading Case of the Day: In re Gonzalez

  • Case of the Day: United States v. Zubaydah

    The case of the day is United States v. Zubaydah (S. Ct. 2022). It’s a Section 1782 case, and it’s the first time the Supreme Court has cited the statute since 2007. I get nervous when something like this happens; what if the Court screws things up? That was certainly my worry when the Water……

  • Case of the Day: NEP Canada v. MEC OP Transaction I

    The case of the day is NEP Canada ULC v. MEC OP Transaction I ULC (Ohio Comm. Pl. 2022). With a name like this, you know a lot of money is at stake. MEC sold shares in one of its subsidiaries to NEP for $175 million. As part of the deal, NEP continued to employ……