Author: Ted Folkman

  • Panel One: Vulnerability to Suit Amid Changing Doctrines

    Welcome to the Letters Blogatory liveblog of the University of Pennsylvania Law School’s Journal of International Law’s symposium, Mass Torts Litigation in a Shrinking World! Just to let you know how this will work, I will be posting one post for each panel, and if you click on the title of the post, you will……

  • Breaking: Lago Agrio Plaintiffs to Seek Recognition and Enforcement in Argentina

    Reuters is reporting that the Lago Agrio plaintiffs plan to seek recognition and enforcement of their Ecuadoran judgment in an Argentine court. No details as yet—stay tuned! This new action, if it is filed, raises the possibility of Letters Blogatory worlds colliding: I have been covering the Argentina sovereign debt cases as well as the……

  • Get Your Britten On

    In the next year you will be hearing a lot about Benjamin Britten, one of the great English composers, whose centenary will be celebrated in 2013. The Metropolitan Chorale of Brookline, the community choir I sing with, will be performing Britten’s cantata, Saint Nicolas, on Saturday, Nov. 17, at 8 pm at All Saints Parish,……

  • Case of the Day: Seijas v. Republic of Argentina

    We stick with the Argentina debt debacle for today’s case of the day, Seijas v. Republic of Argentina (2d Cir. 2012), the Second Circuit’s second decision on the subject in a matter of days. In Seijas, the district court had granted summary judgment for Argentina on the creditors’ claim for a declaration that Banco de……

  • Live Blog Announcement: Mass Torts In A Shrinking World

    As I mentioned about a week ago, I will be participating in a