Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: In re Mesa Power Group

    In today’s case of the day, In re Mesa Power Group LLC (D.N.J. 2012), we return to the case of the day from July 25, 2012. Mesa had commenced a NAFTA arbitration against Canada alleging inequitable treatment by the government of Ontario in the awarding of contracts in the renewable energy field. In today’s case,……

  • Case of the Day: Nanda v. Nanda

    The case of the day is Nanda v. Nanda (N.D. Tex. 2012). Jay and Atul Nanda, brothers, were fighting over control of Dibon Solutions, Inc. in the Texas state courts. In 2011, they dismissed the Texas litigation and agreed to settle some of their disputes in arbitration. The arbitrator’s award, rendered only a month or……

  • Case of the Day: Vanleeuwen v. Keyuan Petrochemicals

    The case of the day is Vanleeuwen v. Keyuan Petrochemicals, Inc. (C.D. Cal. 2012). Neil Vanleeuwen and Rodney Omanoff brought a class action against Keyuan Petrochemicals and Chung-feng Tao, its chairman, president, CEO, and director, for violations of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The plaintiffs sought leave to……

  • Belfast Project: Review of Will Havemann’s Student Note

    Ed Moloney has trumpeted news of a new piece in the Stanford Law Review Online on the Belfast Project: There is a brilliant article in the current issue of the Stanford Law Review, one of the most prestigious in America. Its past editors have included one Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, William Rehnquist and……

  • Case of the Day: China National Chartering v. Pactrans Air & Sea

    The case of the day is China National Chartering Corp. v. Pactrans Air & Sea Inc. (N.D. Ill. 2012). In 2006, Pactrans, a freight forwarder with its main offices in Illinois and branch offices in China, chartered the M/V Sanko Rally from China National to transport a cargo of gypsum board from China to Florida……