Author: Ted Folkman

  • Belfast Project: the Government Says The Case Is Not Moot

    As predicted, the government has responded to Boston College’s suggestion of the death of Dolours Price by arguing that the investigation in the UK is not limited to making a criminal case against Ms. Price herself. In its memorandum, the government chides BC for making an argument so cursory that it “would ordinarily be deemed……

  • Announcements from the UIHJ

    Here, courtesy of IJA Brigade member Fanny Cornette, are two announcements from the International Union of Judicial Officers (Union internationale des huissiers de justice). First, on March 15, 2013 in Brussels, the UIHJ will be holding the Sixth European Training Day of Judicial Officers. On the program: European Directive 2008/52/EC, Brussels I, and an annual……

  • Case of the Day: Standard Chartered Bank v. Ahmad Hamad Al Gosaibi & Brothers Co.

    The case of the day is Standard Chartered Bank v. Ahmad Hamad Al Gosaibi & Brothers Co. (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2012). I covered a related § 1782 application, Ahmad Hamad Algosaibi & Brothers Co. v. StandardChartered International (USA) Ltd., in October 2011. The facts of today’s case can be stated much more simply than the……

  • Case of the Day: Brighton Collectibles v. Winston Brands

    The case of the day is Brighton Collectibles, Inc. v. Winston Brands, Inc. (S.D. Cal. 2013). Brighton, which makes and sells women’s fashion accessories, had registered copyrights on several designs, including the “Heart Conch” jewelry design and the “Charmaine Heart” jewelry design. It sued Urban Trend (HK), Ltd., a Hong Kong company, for copyright infringement,……

  • Liveblog: “Lessons of Chevron”

    Welcome to the liveblog of today’s symposium, “Lessons from Chevron”! The symposium is sponsored by the Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation. The liveblog is jointly sponsored by the Journal and by Letters Blogatory. Thank you to editors-in-chief Nick Landsman-Roos and Matt Woleske for agreeing on such short notice to participate in the liveblog. You’ll find……