Author: Ted Folkman

  • Two New Articles

    Readers, check out these two new articles, both of which are interesting and useful. First, Judith Kimerling has published Oil, Contact, and Conservation in the Amazon: Indigenous Huaorani, Chevron, and Yasuni, 24 Colo. J. Int’l Envt’l L. & Pol’y 43 (2013). Kimerling, whom Michael Goldhaber has described as “perhaps one of the only people [ellipsis]……

  • Case of the Day: Morningstar v. Dejun

    The case of the day is Morningstar v. Dejum (C.D. Cal. 2013). Morningstar is yet another case involving, according to the complaint, a “reverse takeover” maneuver in which a Chinese company enters the US market by merging into a publicly traded US shell corporation. The plaintiffs sought to serve Qiu Jianping and Zou Dejun, Chinese……

  • Case of the Day: Manco Contracting Co. v. Bezdikian

    The case of the day is Manco Contracting Co. v. Bezdikian (Cal. Ct. App. 2013). Manco Contracting Co. was a construction and engineering company operating in Qatar. Krikor Bezdikian owned 40% of the company, and Omar Al-Mana, a Qatari national, owned the remaining 60%. In 1988, Bezdikian and Al-Mana had a dispute that led to……

  • Lago Agrio: Hints that the Plaintiffs Have Evidence Of Chevron Shenanigans

    Update: Here is Rivero’s side of the story, in affidavit form. According to Rivero’s testimony, he phoned Zambrano in January 2013 and told him that he (Rivero) had spoken to Guerra, who had “revealed the truth about the Lago Agrio litigation.” He told Zambrano that “the truth of the case would be revealed in the……

  • Letters Blogatory Mourns The Death of John P. Sinnott

    I just learned of the death of John P. Sinnott, Esq. of Valdosta, Georgia. Mr. Sinnott didn’t know me, but I and other lawyers who have wrestled with chain legalization and the other nuts and bolts of preparing public documents for use abroad know him as the author of A Practical Guide to Document Authentication,……