Author: Ted Folkman

  • An Update on COCA

    Where do things stand with the ratification of the Hague Choice Of Court Agreements Convention? I attended a talk on Friday that outlined where we are and how we got here. I am not going to give the details of the talk or even identify the speakers, but I thought it would be useful to……

  • Case of the Day: AngioDynamics v. Biolitec

    My fellow Boston blogger Lee Gesmer has posted about a recent decision here in Massachusetts that is too good to pass up, even though it is not an international judicial assistance case. The case is AngioDynamics, Inc. v. Biolitec AG (D. Mass. 2013). According to the First Circuit’s decision in the case, here were the……

  • Case of the Day: Henry F. Teichmann, Inc. v. Caspian Flast Glass OJSC

    The case of the day is Henry F. Teichmann, Inc. v. Caspian Flat Glass OJSC (W.D. Pa. 2013). The facts of the case are not clear from the decision, but it appears that Caspian Flat Glass, the defendant, was a Russian company. Russia, as we know, has unilaterally suspended cooperation with the United States under……

  • Case of the Day: Absolute Activist Master Value Fund, Ltd. v. Ficeto

    The case of the day is Absolute Activist Master Value Fund, Ltd. v. Ficeto (S.D.N.Y. 2013). The Absolute Activist Master Value Fund and several other Cayman Islands hedge funds sued several principals and employees of the company they hired to manage their assets, Absolute Capital Management, including Florian Homm. The claim was that Homm, a……

  • Case of the Day: Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians v. Cardona

    The case of the day is Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Holdings Mexico, LLC v. Cardona (Ariz. Ct. App. 2013). The Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians loaned more than $6 million to Arturo Rojas Cardona, Juan Jose Rojas Cardona, Juegos De Entretenimiento Y Videos de Guadalupe, Entretenimiento……