Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: Moore v. Lowe’s Companies

    The case of the day is Moore v. Lowe’s Companies (W.D. Ky. 2013). David Alexander Moore claimed that he was injured when he used a table saw that was manufactured by Rexon Industrial Corp. Rexon was a Taiwanese firm. Moore first tried to serve Rexon by service on the Kentucky Secretary of State. The Secretary……

  • Lago Agrio: Update on the BIT Arbitration

    Update: I updated this post to include an editorial comment about the Fourth Interim Award. I haven’t written about the arbitration between Chevron and Ecuador in quite a while, so here is very brief post just to bring folks up to date. I highly recommend Luke Eric Peterson’s International Arbitration Reporter for additional and sometimes……

  • Update on Ecuador and the ATPA

    I have previously noted the efforts by Chevron to tie the renewal of Ecuador’s preferential trade status under the Andean Trade Preference Act to the Lago Agrio litigation. The Office of the US Trade Representative recently issued a new request for public comment as it prepares a report to Congress on the operation of the……

  • Letters Blogatory’s FOIA Case: The Government’s Answer

    The State Department answered my FOIA complaint today. The answer was 30 days late—something I didn’t realize until I took at look at the statute—but who’s counting? Here are my two favorite sentences from the answer: [T]he Department admits that it has interacted several times with Plaintiff but has not to date produced any records……

  • The Zambrano Deposition: Failure To Launch

    Roger Parloff is reporting that Judge Nicolás Zambrano Lozada did not appear at a scheduled deposition today in Peru where he was scheduled to testify. Recall that theLago Agrio plaintiffs had submitted a declaration from Judge Zambrano rebutting the claims of corruption made by Judge Alberto Guerra Bastidas in a declaration that Chevron had earlier……