Author: Ted Folkman

  • New Extradition Case In Boston

    I’m going to be following a pretty interesting extradition case here in Boston, involving Alexander Hilton, who has been charged with attempted murder in Scotland. The case is interesting to me for a couple of reasons. First, US/UK judicial assistance in criminal cases was a central issue in the Belfast Project case, and so I……

  • Case of the Day: SEC v. Nagaicevs

    The case of the day is SEC v. Nagaicevs (N.D. Cal. 2013). The SEC alleged that Igors Nagaicevs, a Latvian national, had gained unauthorized access to online brokerage accounts and made trades in those accounts to manipulate securities prices in his favor. It brought claims under § 17(a) of the Securities Act and § 10(b)……

  • Chevron Opposes the LAPs’ Mandamus Petition

    Chevron has filed its opposition to the Lago Agrio Plaintiffs’ petition for mandamus. There’s a procedural component to the argument: Chevron claims the LAPs have an adequate appellate remedy and that they delayed too long in bringing their petition. But the most interesting part of the brief is the substantive argument about the effect of……

  • Article of the Day: Chang & Chang on the Chinese Bank Secrecy Cases

    The article of the day is Megan C. Chang and Terry E. Chang, Brand Name Replicas and Bank Secrecy: Exploring Attitudes and Anxieties Towards Chinese Banks In The Tiffany and Gucci Cases, 7 Brook. J. Corp. Fin. & Com. L. 425 (2013). Unfortunately, the paper does not seem to be freely available online. The article……

  • Case of the Day: Wires Jolley LLP v. Shlaimoun

    The case of the day is Wires Jolley LLP v. Shlaimoun (C.D. Cal. 2013). Wires Jolley was an Ontario law firm. Zia Shlaimoun and Oussha Arda Shlaimoun, who apparently resided in California, had hired Wires Jolley to represent it in Canadian proceedings. The written agreement between the firm and the Shlaimouns called for arbitration of……