Author: Ted Folkman

  • Shaping the Battlefield

    One day the Lago Agrio case will be over, but I am certain this is not the last time foreign plaintiffs will obtain a tort judgment abroad and seek to enforce it against a major US company in the US or elsewhere. (It may be the last time that happens after a forum non conveniens……

  • Case of the Day: FDIC v. IIG Capital

    The case of the day is FDIC v. IIG Capital, LLC (11th Cir. 2013). In a short, per curiam decision, the court affirmed the confirmation of an international arbitral award over IIG’s argument that an arbitrator was not impartial because he had had contacts with the FDIC’s counsel; that IIG had not agreed to the……

  • Revision to the Letters Blogatory Commenting Policy

    This seems to happen every time I write about something contentious relating to the Belfast Project case. Readers submit a bunch of comments that I refuse to print, mostly because they are insulting rants directed at me or at others. In general, when this happens, I write to the commenter, explain why I’m not publishing……

  • Case of the Day: Talisman Capital Alternative Investment Fund v. Mouttet

    The case of the day is Talisman Capital Alternative Investment Fund, Ltd. v. Mouttet (In re Moutett) (Bankr. S.D. Fla. 2013). According to the complaint, in 2002, a group of investors, including Gerry Mouttet, sought to begin a lottery in Jamaica. They obtained a $30 million loan from Epsilon Global Master Fund LP and Epsilon……

  • Case of the Day: Chen v. Shi

    The case of the day is Chen v. Shi (S.D.N.Y. 2013). Hua Chen and Yu Yun Zou were followers of the Falun Gong movement. They sued Honghui Shi, a Committee Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and Director of the Bureau of Reeducation Through Labor of Guangdong Province. They alleged that they were persecuted and……