Author: Ted Folkman

  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Letters Blogatory wishes all its American readers a happy Thanksgiving! I’m on break until Monday.

  • Case of the Day: Estate of Jackson v. Sandnes

    The case of the day is Estate of Jackson v. Sandnes (M.D. Fla. 2013). Cathy Jackson-Platts, the personal representative of the Estate of Juanita Jackson, sued Michael Sandnes, the receiver of Trans Healthcare, Inc., for deprivation of civil rights and civil conspiracy. Sandnes, an American, resided in Saudi Arabia. The Estate filed a proof of……

  • Case of the Day: Republic of Ecuador v. Bjorkman

    The case of the day is Republic of Ecuador v. Bjorkman (10th Cir. 2013). When I wrote about the case in August 2011, the issue was whether the court should grant Ecuador leave to serve a subpoena on Bjorn Bjorkman, one of Chevron’s environmental experts. I was mainly concerned with an interesting issue of statutory……

  • Lago Agrio: My Interview with Ambassador Cely

    I traveled to Washington on Wednesday for an interview with Nathalie Cely Suárez, Ecuador’s ambassador to the United States, at the embassy in Washington’s Columbia Heights neighborhood. The building itself is a handsome Renaissance Revival-style mansion. I arrived a few minutes early and watched the comings and goings in the main room on the first……

  • Case of the Day: Haffner International Marketing Group v. Sahin

    Email subscribers: This has footnotes—please read in your browsers! The case of the day is Haffner International Marketing Group, Inc. v. Sahin (D. Nev. 2013). Haffner was a Nevada corporation in the business of “porcelain, granite, and horse hoof repair.” Sahin lived in Turkey. Haffner hired Sahin in 2006, but in 2011 the relationship ended.……