Author: Ted Folkman

  • Requests for FOIA Docs

    I’ve received a request for a set of the public records I’ve received from the State Department. These are, of course, public records, and so I don’t have any objection in principle to sharing them with anyone who asks. I may, though, ask you what use you plan to make of them, particularly if you……

  • Case of the Day: Moskovitz v. La Suisse

    The case of the day is Moskovitz v. La Suisse (S.D.N.Y. 2013). The main claim was brought by holders of marriage insurance policies against their insurer, La Suisse, or Swiss Life. Swiss Life in turn brought third party claims against Moses Kraus, who lived in London, and Caruso AG, a Liechtenstein corporation with offices (at……

  • Lago Agrio: More Details On Chevron’s Lobbying of the State Department

    Chevron has lobbied the State Department with regard to the Lago Agrio dispute on several occasions. The contacts between the company and the Department have been more extensive, and at a much higher level on both sides, than I previously was able to report. In my last post on the issue, I reviewed the evidence……

  • Serving Process on US Defendants in Greek Proceedings: A Case Law Survey

    Contributor Apostolos Anthimos has a nuts-and-bolts post about Greek caselaw on the Hague Service Convention in US-related cases. In my previous post, I presented two recent decisions of Greek courts on the application of the 1965 Hague Service Convention in Greece. Following that post and the release of my recent book on service of process……

  • FOIA: Crowdsourcing Needed

    I’ve received a new batch of FOIA documents from the State Department. I’m working on a post and I hope to have it up soon. I need help, though, with one of the documents, which is handwritten and difficult to read. Please click on the link and let me know what you think it means.……