Mallet v. Richardson: Raising the Clameur?
The case of the day, Mallet v. Richardson (Jersey Royal Ct. 2014), involves a conflict between antique customs and modern international rules on service of process.
Case of the Day: Panchenkova v. Chigirinsky
The case of the day is Panchenkova v. Chigirinsky (Conn. Super. Ct. 2013), is an action for recognition and enforcement of a Russian divorce judgment.
Case of the Day: In Re Cathode Ray Tube Antitrust Litigation
The case of the day is In re Cathode Ray Tube Antitrust Litigation (N.D. Cal. 2014). We considered another decision in this multi-district litigation in February 2013.
Case of the Day: Regenicin v. Lonza Walkersville, Inc.
The case of the Day is Regenicin, Inc. v. Lonza Walkersville, Inc., (N.D. Ga. 2014). Regenicin sued Lonza Walkersville for breach of contract, tortious interference, and other business torts. Regencin sought leave to effect service on one of the defendants, Lonza Group, Ltd., in Switzerland under the Hague Service Convention. You might say, “a plaintiff……
More Belfast Project News: The PSNI Wants To Question Anthony McIntyre
With apologies to readers who are interested in things other than the Belfast Project, and with a hat-tip to Chris Bray for the pointer, here is a second update in as many days. The Belfast Telegraph is reporting that the PSNI is seeking to question Anthony McIntyre, one of the lead Belfast Project researchers, in……