Case of the Day: Bruton v. Texas
The case of the day is Bruton v. Texas (Tex. Ct. Crim. App. 2014). The defendant, Peter Cain Bruton, was found guilty of aggravated sexual assault of a child and sentenced to imprisonment for life. At his sentencing, the prosecution had sought to introduce documents purporting to be public records from England showing that Bruton……
Belfast Project: Boston College Returns The Remaining Tapes
Boston College has said that it will return the Belfast Project interview tapes to any interviewee who requests them, and that it will not keep copies of the tapes or transcripts that it returns. This is highly sensible. No doubt BC regrets its involvement in the whole affair and will be happy finally to wash……
Lago Agrio: Chevron Settles With Patton Boggs
Yesterday Chevron settled its claims against Patton Boggs. This was probably inevitable after the dismissal of Patton Boggs’s claims against Chevron. Patton Boggs is trying to consummate a merger with Squire Sanders, and it’s hard to imagine anyone agreeing to the merger while Chevron’s claim was unresolved.
Provide Your Thoughts On The Draft Practical Handbooks!
Readers, as you may remember, I’m heading to the Hague in a couple of weeks as part of the International Technology Law Association delegation to the Special Commission meeting concerning the Service, Evidence, and Access to Justice Conventions. The delegation will be headed by Alex Blumrosen of Bernard-Hertz-Béjot in Paris. The Hague Conference has published……
Case of the Day: Moore v. Bertuzzi
The case of the day is Moore v. Bertuzzi, 2014 ONSC 1318. In a February 2004 hockey game, Steve Moore, who played for the Colorado Avalanche, checked Markus Näslund of the Vancouver Canucks, causing some injuries. No penalty was called, and after the game, several Canucks players, including Todd Bertuzzi, as well as the Canucks’……