Belfast Project: Jonathan Zittrain on Cryptography for Archives
Professor Jonathan Zittrain had a very interesting op-ed in the Globe recently on lessons of the Belfast Project case for archivists. He suggests the development and use of what he calls “time-capsule cryptography” to protect archives from the subpoena power of a court.
Case of the Day: De Fontbrune v. Wofsy
The case of the day is De Fontbrune v. Wofsy (N.D. Cal. 2014). Yves Sicre de Fotbrune sued Alan Wofsy in the French courts for copyright infringement. The claim was that Wofsy had reproduced two photographs by Christian Zervos, in which de Fotbrune claimed to have rights, in two catalogues of artwork by Picasso. The……
Case of the Day: Sustainable Energy Generation Group v. Photon Energy Projects
The case of the day is Sustainable Energy Generation Group, LLC v. Photon Energy Projects B.V. (Del. Ch. 2014). The case involved a claim for breach of a confidentiality agreement. The plaintiff, a Delaware corporation, sued Photon Energy Projects, B.V., Photon Energy N.V., and Photon Energy Investments N.V., three Dutch firms. Service of process was……
Case of the Day: Indagro v. Nilva
The case of the day is Indagro S.A. v. Nilva (D.N.J. 2014). Indagro had an arbitral award against Viva Chemical Corp. It sued Veniamin Nilva for breach of contract, asserting that he had guaranteed payment of the award, and on a veil-piercing claim, asserting that he was personally liable for the award against Viva.
Belfast Project: Report on the Hearing on NBC’s Request To Unseal Documents
Yesterday, Judge Young heard arguments on NBC’s request to unseal the Belfast Project materials. Curiously, NBC did not appear at the hearing. It may be that it did not receive notice of the hearing. This is not surprising, since rather than entering an appearance through counsel and making a motion to lift the order of……