Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: BBK Tobacco & Foods v. Juicy eJuice

    The case of the day is BBK Tobacco & Foods LLP v. Juicy eJuice (D. Ariz. 2014). The plaintiff, which sold the liquid used to create vapor in electronic cigarettes, owned registered trademarks including JUICY JAYS and JUICY DROPS. It sued 1673030 Alberta, Inc., which, it alleged, sold electronic “smoking devices” and the liquids under……

  • Bienvenido a Cartas Blogatorias

    At the Special Committee meeting, I was discussing this blog with one of my colleagues, Venezuelan lawyer Javier L. Ochoa Muñoz of the American Association of Private International Law (ASADIP). I asked whether the name Cartas Blogatorias would work in Spanish as well as Letters Blogatory works in English, and Javier said it would indeed.……

  • Belfast Project: NBC and PSNI Make New Moves

    I’m saving up the remainder of my Hague coverage until Monday. Check back then! NBC News has submitted a request to Judge Young to unseal the tapes and transcripts that BC had submitted to him for inspection in camera. This has, as you MIT imagine, caused some unhappiness on team McIntyre/Moloney. There is an initial……

  • Congratulations, Montreal!

    I had a bet with fellow law blogger Karim Renno of Irving Mitchell Kalichman, better known to the internet as the author of the excellent À Bon Droit. The bet was: if the Boston Bruins won their best-of-seven playoff series with the Montreal Canadiens, then Karim would write a guest post for Letters Blogatory and……

  • Case of the Day: Midmark v. Jamak Healthcare

    The case of the day is Midmark Corp. v. Janak Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. (S.D. Ohio 2014). It’s a very poorly done decision, and it badly mangles FRCP 4(f)(3) and various provisions of the Hague Service Convention. The only redeeming feature of the case is its result: the court denied a motion for leave to serve……