FOIA: The Anticlimax
The State Department has now produced all of the documents responsive to my second FOIA request. I submitted the request on April 25 of this year, and so the process, from start to finish, took just over three months. Compared to the nearly three years I have been waiting for the response to my first……
Case of the Day: Puigbo v. Medex Trading
The case of the day is Puigbo v. Medex Trading, LLC (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2014). Medex sued Juan Andres Puigbo for fraud. Puigbo was in Venezuela. Medex transmitted the document to the Venezuelan central authority, which, after attempting personal service, served the documents on Puigbo by publication, as provided in Article 223 of the……
Case of the Day: Louis Dreyfus Commodities Suisse v. Financial Software Systems
The case of the day is Louis Dreyfus Commodities Suisse S.A. v. Financial Software Systems, Inc. (Pa. 2014). Dreyfus had obtained a judgment in the English High Court for $717,733.12 for breach of contract against FSS. It sought to collect in Pennsylvania, though as we shall see it made an elementary mistake.
TBS Middle East Carriers v. United Quarries
The case of the day is TBS Middle East Carriers v. United Quarries (S.D.N.Y. 2014). United Quarries charted vessels owned by TBS to carry crushed gabbro aggregate from Fujairah, in the UAE, to Mesaieed, Qatar. Under their contract, 134 shipments were completed. TBS charged United Quarries approximately $30.2 million for freight and $18.2 million for……
Lago Agrio: Letters Blogatory In The Field
I’ve spent the last several days in Ecuador seeing first-hand some of the places I’ve been writing about for the past three years. Before I turn to what I’ve been seeing and doing, a word of explanation is in order.