Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: SEC v. Knox

    The case of the day is SEC v. Knox (D. Mass. 2022). The SEC brought a fraud case against Roger Knox. Knox had used entities allegedly owned by Michael Gastauer to launder the proceeds of the fraud. Michael had transferred some of the laundered money to his father, Raimund Gastauer, and to entities the SEC……

  • Türkiye Halk Bankasi v. United States: Supreme Court Grants Cert.

    The Supreme Court will review the Second Circuit’s decision in Türkiye Halk Bankasi, A.Ş v. United States, a decision rejecting the argument that the United States cannot criminally prosecute a foreign company owned by a foreign sovereign. Paul Stephan has an excellent post about the case at the Transnational Litigation Blog. I don’t want to……

  • Locality

    A court in Israel has ordered the government there to recognize marriages conducted by an officiant in Utah between Israelis attending remotely via videoconferencing from Israel. Why, you ask, would Israelis be interested in being married under Utah law? Under Israeli law, as under the law of the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate that……

  • Case of the Day: Berg v. Ciampa

    The case of the day is Berg v. Ciampa (D. Mass. 2022). I wrote about the case in January 2022. According to the complaint, Oscar and Mary Nelson established an inter vivid trust for the benefit of their daughters, Mary Ann Birmingham and Elaine Ciampa. When Birmingham died, her daughters, Deborah Berg and Karen Bedenbaugh,……

  • Lago Agrio: Steven Donziger Seeks Supreme Court Review

    Steven Donziger has filed a petition seeking Supreme Court review of the Second Circuit decision affirming his conviction for criminal contempt of court. The petition is very well-done, and Donziger is in good hands with Stephen Vladeck. There is no question in the petition about Donziger’s factual guilt. Instead, the question is the constitutionality of……