Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: In re Application of Grupo Unidos Por El Canal

    The case of the day is In re Application of Grupo Unidos Por El Canal, S.A. (D. Colo. 2015). The Autoridad del Canal de Panama, the agency in charge of the Panama Canal, is in the course of an expansion of the canal to include a third set of locks. Grupo Unidos Por El Canal,……

  • Lago Agrio: the Second Circuit Transcript in Chevron v. Donziger

    In his latest piece on the Second Circuit oral argument in Chevron v. Donziger, esteemed fellow Chevronologist Michael Goldhaber has provided a link to the PDF of the transcript, which I am offering here without comment. A note for readers: I have a very busy stretch ahead, and so I will be working on a……

  • Update on the Alexander Hilton Extradition Case

    I’ve written several posts on the extradition case of Alexander Hilton here in Boston. Here’s my summary from the first post: Hilton, then a student at St. Andrews University, was accused by the Scottish authorities of the attempted murder of Robert Forbes, a fellow student, in March 2011. The claim was that Hilton induced Forbes……

  • Cartas Blogatorias Update

    Readers, I wanted to call two recent posts from Cartas Blogatorias to your attention. First, Javier Ochoa has recommended the new website of the International Academy of Comparative Law. This is a very attractive and useful site, so I join Javier in his recommendation. Second, Luciane Klein Vieira and Renata Alvares Gaspar have an interesting……

  • Lago Agrio: Oral Argument At The Second Circuit (And A Special Letters Blogatory Backgrounder)

    Yesterday was a big day in the Lago Agrio case: oral argument in the Second Circuit. I was there, along with several other Chevronologists, partisans on both sides, and curious members of the public. One young lawyer I met had traveled from Chicago—by train!—just for the event. Happily, the judges didn’t disappoint. There was more……