Author: Ted Folkman

  • Lago Agrio: Donziger Files Reply Brief

    Happy new year, readers! As you can see, I am well on the way to migrating Letters Blogatory back to its original home at The work on this isn’t done yet. In particular, many links will need to be changed so that they point to the new site instead of the old site. At……

  • Lago Agrio: Government Files Opposition to Steven Donziger’s Cert Petition

    The government has filed its opposition to Steven Donziger’s petition seeking Supreme Court review of his conviction of criminal contempt of court. Donziger’s social media posts suggests he thought there was some chance the government might take his side in the matter, but I cannot believe there was any real chance the government would not……

  • Hello to Rubin & Rudman!

    If you have ever written a story, painted a painting, or started a business, you know how proud you are of a creation done well. That’s how I feel about Folkman LLC, the practice I started at the beginning of COVID in early 2020 and that has been my professional home for nearly three years.……

  • Case of the Day: Begisholli v. KBR

    The case of the day is Begisholli v. KBR Government Operations. It comes out of a corner of the legal world that was utterly unknown to me a year ago. The Defense Base Act is a federal statute that gives a worker’s compensation-like benefit to employees of US government and military contractors injured at work……

  • Elephant Habeas: California Judge Denies Petition

    Elephant Habeas: California Judge Denies Petition

    A judge in Fresno has denied the habeas corpus petition brought by the Nonhuman Rights Project on behalf of three elephants at the Fresno Zoo. The decision didn’t turn on the NhRP’s “elephants are people” argument. Instead, the judge decided that under California law, only persons in state custody can petition for habeas corpus. I……