Author: Ted Folkman

  • RSVP for “Service of Process and Taking of Evidence Abroad”

    Readers, here is the official program for the November 2 event on the Hague Service and Evidence Conventions, with a link to the preregistration page. I hope you can make it! Service of Process and Taking of Evidence Abroad: The Impact of Electronic Means” on the Operation of the Hague Conventions An Event to Celebrate……

  • Case of the Day: Malleiro v. Mori

    The case of the day is Malleiro v. Mori (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 2015). Eleno Isleno was an Argentine national who died in Florida at the age of 79. She held property in both Argentina and the United States at the time of her death. About five years before her death, she made a will……

  • Case of the Day: In re Kuwait Airways Co.

    The case of the day is the Department of Transportation’s investigation of Kuwait Airways Company. The DOT undertook the investigation at the request of Eldad Gatt, an Israeli national who was seeking to travel from New York to London by air. Kuwait Airways (which according to Gatt was offering the lowest fare on the day……

  • Lago Agrio: More FRAP 28(j) Letters

    A few days ago, I noted Steven Donziger’s FRAP 28(j) letter to the Second Circuit panel that soon (or soonish) will decide his appeal from Judge Kaplan’s decision. The other parties have now chimed in, too.

  • Case of the Day: Harrison v. Sudan

    The case of the day is Harrison v. Republic of Sudan (2d Cir. 2015). The case arose out of the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in Yemen 2000. Several sailors and their families sued the Republic of Sudan in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, alleging that Sudan had provided material……