Author: Ted Folkman

  • Letters Blogatory Polls The Candidates

    Update: All of the inquiries have been sent, with the exception of inquiries to Gov. Christie, Ms. Fiorina, Gov. Jindal, and Mr. Trump. I couldn’t find a press contact or inquiry form on the Christie, Fiorina, or Trump websites, and the Jindal website crashed my computer. Readers, those of you who are US citizens, and……

  • Event recap: The Hague Service and Evidence Conventions

    Readers, if you weren’t there on Monday for the discussion on Service of Process and Taking of Evidence Abroad, you missed a very interesting and engaging discussion. There were some dramatic moments, or dramatic at least if international judicial assistance is your thing.

  • Today’s Event on the Hague Service and Evidence Conventions

    Readers, today is the day for Service of Process and Taking Evidence Abroad: The Impact of “Electronic Means” on the Operation of the Hague Conventions, which is being held at Georgetown. I am a participant on the first of several panels and thus will not be reporting live on the first panel discussion for obvious……

  • Case of the Day: United States v. Alarcon

    The case of the day is United States v. Alarcon (S.D.N.Y. 2015). The US Coast Guard intercepted a small boat on the high seas approximately 280 miles from the coast of Ecuador. It found 600 kg of cocaine on board and charged the three Ecuadoran men on the boat, Javier Joaquin Alarcon Prado, Luis Armando……

  • Case of the Day: Altos Hornos de Mexico v. Rock Resource Ltd.

    The case of the day is Altos Hornos de Mexico, S.A.B. de C.V. v. Rock Resource Ltd. (S.D.N.Y. 2015). Altos Hornos moved for confirmation of an arbitral award it had obtained against Rock Resources. Altos Hornos sought to serve Rock Resources with process in Hong Kong via the Central Authority, using the address Rock Resource……