Author: Ted Folkman

  • Case of the Day: ATN Industries v. Gross

    The case of the day is ATN Industries, Inc. v. Gross (S.D. Tex. 2016). ATN alleged that Rafael Schwartz and others wer part of a “massive scheme that defrauded Plaintiffs out of millions of dollars.” It sued him for violations of the RICO statute and on other claims. Schwartz was in Venezuela. ATN sent the……

  • In Memoriam: James Coyne King

    I’m sad to have two memorials in two days. On Saturday, James Coyne King, one of the founders of my firm, Murphy & King, passed away after an illness. Jim started his career in public service, first at the IRS and then for several years in the Antitrust Division of the Justice Department. He practiced……

  • Antonin Scalia

    The first time I met Justice Antonin Scalia, who died on Saturday, was when he came to Princeton to give the Tanner Lecture in, I think, 1995. The lecture was on the inappropriateness (in Justice Scalia’s view) of judges applying their ordinary, common-law methods to the interpretation of our Constitution. Judges should approach our Constitution……

  • COCA Update

    Readers, if you missed the Georgetown International Arbitration Week event on the effect of the Choice of Court Agreement Convention on international arbitration yesterday, you missed a pretty good discussion. Marta Pertegás started us off with an overview of the history of COCA and of the Hague Conference more generally, and she showed us a……

  • Doug Cassel on the Letter to the Special Rapporteur

    Doug Cassel reponds to Aaron Marr Page’s post on the letter to the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders. Aaron Marr Page is right that human rights defenders are endangered, but wrong to try to wrap Steven Donziger in the protective blanket of their moral credibility. Donziger does not remotely merit the support of……