Case of the Day: MyECheck v. Titan
The case of the day is MyECheck, Inc. v. Titan International Securities, Inc. (E.D. Cal. 2016). MyECheck claimed that it was the victim of a securities fraud perpetrated by Titan and Sweetsun Intertrade, Inc., both located in Belize. MyECheck served process by having a Belizean lawyer serve the documents on the defendants’ registered agents. After……
Case of the Day: Toyo Tire & Rubber v. CIA Wheel Group
The case of the day is Toyo Toy & Rubber Co. v. CIA Wheel Group (C.D. Cal. 2016). Toyo sued Hong Kong Tri–Ace Tire Co. and Jinlin Ma for trade dress infringement, fraud, unfair competition, etc. They sought leave to serve process by email. Both defendants were thought to be in Hong Kong, but Toyo,……
Case of the Day: Lin v. United States
The case of the day is Lin v. United States (D.D.C. 2016). The plaintiffs were residents of Taiwan. Their claim was that in 1946, the government of the Republic of China—that is, the nationalist government that the United States, at the time, recognized as the government of China—issued decrees that had the effect of depriving……
Paper of the Day: Transnational Litigation as a Prisoner’s Dilemma
The paper of the day is Transnational Litigation as a Prisoner’s Dilemma, by Maya Steinitz and my law school classmate Paul Gowder. The paper has just been published in the North Carolina Law Review, but an earlier version is available on SSRN.
Trouble at Northern New England School of Law
In this strangest of political seasons, my foreign readers will be forgiven for thinking that America is a strange place indeed. And the American legal world is no exception. Just recently, in a reprise of Ashford v. Thornton, a lawyer from Staten Island demanded trial by battle in an action against him for aiding a……