Author: Ted Folkman

  • Update: the Briefs in Chiejina v. Nigeria

    I reported on the decision denying a jurisdictional motion to dismiss in Chiejina v. Nigeria, an award enforcement case I’m handling, back in August 2022. The dispute involved breaches of a contract for construction of gully erosion control structures in Nigeria’s Imo state. The parties have now filed their briefs in the DC Circuit (Nigeria’s……

  • Lago Agrio: Supreme Court Denies Donziger’s Petition For Review of His Contempt Conviction.

    The Supreme Court has denied Steven Donziger’s petition for a writ of certiorari to review his conviction for contempt of court. At least two justices, Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, would have granted the petition, and Justice Gorsuch (joined by Justice Kavanaugh) published a dissent. The criminal charges against Donziger, and his conviction after trial, stemmed……

  • Case of the Day: 101-115 West 116th St. Corp. v. Consulate General of Senegal

    The case of the day is 101-115 W. 116th St. Corp. v. Consulate General of the Republic of Senegal (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2023). In 2014, the plaintiff leased premises on West 116th Street in New York to the Consulate General of Senegal for a term of five years. The lease expired, but the Consulate did……

  • A New Elephant Habeas Case

    Steven Wise’s Nonhuman Rights Project has brought a new habeas corpus petition on behalf of three elephants in the Fresno Zoo. It’s pretty much exactly like his last habeas corpus petition for an elephant in Fresno, except that he has filed it in an appellate court instead of a superior court, and except that he……

  • Case of the Day: Warren v. Children’s Hospital Corp.

    Today’s case of the day, Warren v. Children’s Hospital Corp. (D. Mass. 2023), is off the beaten path for Letters Blogatory, but I think it will be of interest to readers who deal with patent law or with technology transfer offices. I was counsel to the defendant, The Children’s Hospital Corporation, which operates Boston Children’s……